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Bars of a playable Mummy.
Summon a Mummy
- can be summoned from canopic jars. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to
be a 100% success rate. You'll need to search plenty of Egyptian Tombs to
find the Canopic Jars, because they are found ONLY there. And note that only
Jars that count toward a set will work. The regular jars you find, or buy
in shops, are just
loot to sell. You can check that you're using the right ones by noting that
the jars are stacked separately in inventory instead of with your other
Egyptian relics.
- This kind of Mummy will be treated as an Elder by the game.
A bug
- the creator Sim may be stuck in front of the sarcophagus waiting for the
mummy to emerge. This will occur if the Sim in question has completed the
Canopic Jars relic collection and has more than one of each type of
jar in the set in their inventory. To avoid this glitch, ensure that
your Sim is only carrying one jar of each type before summoning a mummy.
Become a Mummy
- a regular Sim can be turned into a playable Mummy by sleeping in the Cursed
Sarcophagus of the Kings twice for a few hours - roughly, 24 Sim-hours in
- Sims who were transformed into mummies in this way will retain their original
age. The first time they emerge, a message will appear to the player hinting
at the cursed powers of the sarcophagus affecting the Sim. The next time that
Sim sleeps in the sarcophagus, they will emerge as a full-blown mummy. Sleeping
in the Cursed Sarcophagus has an advantage however; a Sim's Body skill increases
while they sleep, though the progress bar will not show. Sims as young as
Teenagers can sleep in the Cursed Sarcophagus.
- To obtain a Mummy from a Cursed Sarcophagus, acquire all 5 pieces of any
sarcophagus, construct it and complete the Canopic Jars relic collection
5 types of Canopic Jars in your Sim's inventory. Click on the sarcophagus
and choose the option "Summon Mummy". This will consume the jars
but a mummy will emerge and be added to the household!
- Mummies enjoy longer lives than normal Sims and do not have the energy or
bladder needs or normal Sims.
- But even if University Life is installed, mummies cannot go streaking.
They NEVER take the bandages off.
Alternatively, with Supernatural, Sims can mix or buy the Bottled Mummy's Curse
to turn either themselves or another Sim into a mummy.
To Become a "Normal" Sim again
- To reverse the mummy state and become a normal Sim again, simply have a
mummy sleep in the Blessed Sarcophagus of the Kings for a
day or so, or get a snake from a snake charming basket to kiss the Sim by
playing for a long time after you buy a cobra. When the Sim emerges, they
will no longer be a mummy.

- Mummies are much stronger than normal Sims. They can even fend off the attack
of the zombie bear when exploring the catacombs at the graveyard!
- They're also immune to electricity; whether they get shocked by an electric
trap or while upgrading an item, they suffer no harm, which makes them excellent
repairmen or Adventurers.
- If a Burglar sees a mummy, he will immediately run away.

- A Mummy may also become a "human" Sim by using a Potent Cure
Potion. You will have to restyle the Sim - I took this guy to the Salon.
The Mummy head-covering
seems to be a hair. He does have a tendency to get back into his mummy
wraps from time to time.
- Mummies have gender. However, they are unable to reproduce in the "normal"
way of Sims.
- Mummies move incredibly slowly, and thus will limp from location to location.
Usually, this can make them to lose the chance of doing what they were going
to do (going to work, social interactions with other Sims, etc.) It may well
be worth seeking out a mod to make them walk as normal Sims.

- Mummies are also covered in old, flammable rags. Thus the mummy Sim will
receive the 'Scared' Moodlet whenever they are in the same room as a lit
and will "quickly" (as quickly as a Mummy can) move to put
it out. Sadly, that's not really enough time to put it out before they catch

And they do really die.
- Catching fire can be avoided by either getting the Sim to take Fireproof
Homestead (Ambitions) as a Lifetime Reward or getting soaked in showers and
- Every time they get in contact with water they get soaked, so they will
leave puddles around the house.
- When non-mummy Sims (including SimBots) see a mummy, they will interrupt
what they were doing (the whole action queue) and get scared/excited (depending
on personality and traits). They won't be able to get back to do what they
were doing by themselves.
- Ghost Sims can also become mummies. Other Sims will react to a ghost Sim
who has been mummified as if that Sim was a mummy, rather than react to them
being a ghost.
- Being both a ghost and a mummy, does not, however, make the Sim fireproof!
When a mummy ghost catches on fire from a fireplace or fire pit, he or she
will remain on fire. Since ghosts cannot die, they will stand in place pointlessly
trying to put themselves out, until another Sim puts them out, they jump in
a well or use a Shower in a Can, or the player uses cheats to put out the
- A Sim that is a mummy won't be attacked by other mummies.
- Some vampires wish to fight mummies, even if they have never met a mummy
or been to Egypt.
In Tombs
- An NPC mummy will normally be inside its sarcophagus resting. However, if
a Sim looks inside the sarcophagus or steals a treasure in the mummy's chamber,
it will awaken and pick a fight with the Sim that is treasure hunting. However,
a fight can be avoided by simply leaving the room where the mummy's sarcophagus
is, as the mummy is unable to leave the room.
- If the Sim happens to have a Mummy Snack in their inventory, the mummy will
automatically remove it and return to their sarcophagus until they are disturbed
again. A mummy can be defeated if a Sim has sufficient Athletics and Martial
Arts skill, which can be trained in Shang Simla, China or in museums with
martial art items, such as France.
- As (NPC) mummies are vulnerable to fire, they can be tricked onto hidden
fire traps, incinerating them, but a playable mummy is immune to fire traps
in tombs. Maybe the tombs' traps ere set by their relatives? So a playable
Mummy should be good to use as an Adventurer.
- If it does come to blows, there are three options:
- Win (martial artist, athletic),
- Lose (knocked out),
- Cursed (Sims is hit with the Mummy's Curse)
Mummy's Curse
- A Sim may be cursed when a mummy breathes a dark foggy haze on them during
a fight. The Sim will not be cursed if the mummy merely knocks them unconscious.
A message will appear warning the player of the curse.
- The Mummy's Curse affects a Sim for 14 days. The -25 moodlet continues throughout,
and then your Sim will die.
- Can a playable Mummy cast this curse? Or do they have to buy the bottled
version from the Elixir shop?
Remedies for the Mummy's Curse
There are eight ways to lift this curse:
- The Sim must plead with the sphinx in Al Simhara, explore it completely,
and use the "cleanse" interaction on a special statue.
- Rebuild both King's Sarcophagi - Blessed and Cursed, sleep in the Cursed
Sarcophagus first (turning the Sim into a mummy) and then in the Blessed Sarcophagus.
This can be done in the Sim's home.
- Kiss a King Cobra: buy a Snake Charming Basket from the general goods merchant
in Al Simhara. Practice with the basket until the option to buy a cobra for
$1,000 Simoleons comes up. Buy it, then keep practicing until your Sim is
able to kiss the cobra. This will remove the curse and give your Sim a positive
moodlet instead. Since the basket is portable, this is a great option.
- Make the Sim meditate. This makes the curse vanish in a few hours.
- With Ambitions, use a time machine and travel to the past. If you're lucky
a message will say "<Sim> was deep in the past and accidentally
got the inventor in trouble with the pharaoh of Egypt! He was fired and mummies
were never invented. <Sim> is cured!"
- With Supernatural, have a Witch cast a Sunlight Charm. This will remove
the curse due to the negative mood drop.
- With Pets, befriend a unicorn and have it bless your sim to remove the curse.
- The Great Sphinx
This is my favored way of removing the curse. Shortly after being cursed,
if you have no other opportunities in Egypt, you'll get an adventure called
Cursed!. While you don't have to do the adventure to gain entry to the Sphinx,
you can turn it into a nice way to earn some extra VISA points. Not only are
you treated to an impressive visual display by the Great Sphinx, you'll also
unlock a good place to come back and collect tons of gems later. Inside the
Sphinx, the puzzles aren't too hard. You'll work your way down, through a
lower level, then back up where you can ascend to the soulpeace chambers.
Once there, you can have your Sim seek cleansing by clicking the statue. A
little ritual will occur, where your Sim meditates and hovers in midair. Then,
in a burst of energy and a transference of power from the Soulpeace, your
Sim's curse is lifted. Be sure to check behind the Soulpeace Statue for a
hidden room where you'll frequently find Soulpeace Gems.
- Get the Moodlet Manager lifetime happiness reward and click the mummy's
curse moodlet.
- Use testingcheatsenabled cheat, press and hold shift and
click the mummy's curse moodlet or hold [shift] and click on the mailbox,
then clicking on "make all happy". This will max all motives for
the household and also get rid of the mummy's curse moodlet on any cursed
Sims. Or, if the players prefer to leave the other Sims in the household as
they are, they can control click on the moodlet affecting the Sim with the
testingcheatsenabled true cheat on, and the moodlet will be eliminated. This
can also eliminate other moodlets the Sim has.
After 14 Days
- If the curse is not lifted within two weeks the Sim will die. Within the
final days of these cursed weeks, a dark black haze will slowly surround the
borders of the player's computer screen or game window whenever the affected
Sim is selected, as if the vision of the hopeless victim is slowly clouding
over. Three hours before the cursed Sim dies, a mummy face appears on the
screen and fades in and out. As time passes the face becomes blurry.
- The ghost of a Sim who died of a mummy's curse will have a black, smoldering
hue. In addition, one of his or her traits will be replaced with the Evil
trait, noticeable when a ghost is revived through the Science Laboratory.
Other benefits

They have some topics to discuss that may or may not be fascinating to other
Existing Mummies
- In Ambitions, Twinbrook has two Sims who died of the Mummy's Curse. Even
without World Adventures installed, the player can see the ghosts, interact
with them, and resurrect them.
- Moonlight Falls also features a Sim who died from the Mummy's Curse, but
like the ones in Twinbrook she can be interacted with, made playable and
brought back to life.
Mummies can, in spite or rumours to the contrary
Use a Young Again Potion.

My playable Mummy, Umay, summoned from a Sarcophagus, was
able to use a Young Again Potion and aged back to YA, still retaining her
Mummy form and skin; with the true Mummy skin, there is a slight gap between
the top of the wrappings and her head.
July 16, 2019