[ Collectibles
[ Transmogrification ] [ Gems
] [ Tiberium ] [ Fossilised
Fruit and Vegetables ] [Minerals] [Mineral
Ores ]
Necessary Furnishings
- Buy a Carter's Display Case - XL Edition (found under Buy Mode > Surfaces
> Storage).
- While the smaller Display Cases are good for display as
they hold more items, for transmogrification the XL is better as it takes
fewer items
to fill it. And still costs the same to Activate. If you don't mind that,
the smaller one fits better in most Sims homes. It looks good as a display
case just to hold your treasures, though shelves may take more items.
The large case costs more but is better value as each transfigurification costs $500, on both benches.
The bench will not work if it is not "full" or if your Sim doesn't have enough money to pay the Activation fee of §500
To Transmogrify
- For the large case you need to place 8 items; the small case requires
You can also use a Carter's Display Case on a Community Lot, if available,
but it costs 2500 a time.
Items to be transmogrified may need to be prepared.
- Gems must be cut, either by sending them off (mailbox) or more cheaply
(ie free!) by using a Gem-Cutting machine. Sim still has to acquire skill
with higher-value cuts, which takes some time.
- Minerals have to be smelted, which you can only do by sending them away,
unless you have access to the PRISM Premium object.
- Fossils and Relics do not need any preparation.
- If your input materials are ALL gems, metals, or rocks, what is produced
will be of the same type, ie gem, metal or rock, respectively.
- Large space Rocks do not combine to make still larger ones, and the value
of them combined is less than the individual value, so once Analyzed in
case they increase in value, they should probably be sold, unless you like
them for a rockery.
Recipes that work - using all EPs and SPs
See Gems and Minerals
pages for more recipes
NOTE: Transmogrification recipes seem to vary according to which EPs and\or
SPs are installed.

- Fill
the stand with mixed items to the value of between 3500 and 4999. Result
is a Tiberium.
Carl's guide says uncut tiberium. I usually get a small
Spire-cut tiberium, worth about §6,000. See Tiberium
for how to increase the value of this.
Under 200 Common, uncommon, or rare seed with average
quality of Nice
201 - 499 §350-700
500 - 999 22-40 Ancient Coins
1000 - 3499 A Magic Gnome
3500 - 4999 Uncut Tiberium
5000 - 11999 Fragment of Pushable Statue, Dive Well, Plain Sarcophagus, Egyptian
Sarcophagus, or Sarcophagus of the Kings
12000 - 24999 Fragment of Sarcophagus of the Kings
25000 - 49999 §22000-27000 bottle of nectar, 100-200 years old
50000 - 99999 §45000-55000 bottle of nectar, 300-500 years old
100000+ §75000-110000 bottle of nectar, between 700-900 years old
June 28, 2018