[ Collectibles
[ Gems ] [ Transmogrification
] [ Tiberium ] [ Fossilised
Fruit and Vegetables ]
Collect in home world or WA worlds, buy at Consignment Store or Relic Stores.
Cut or send away to have them cut before transmogrification.

DO sell gems at the Consignment Store to make WAY more out of them than selling
through the interface. Takes a day or two longer.
If you add Spawners with BuyDebug
Gems that can be found in egypt will only spawn in egypt. Placing such a gem/metal's
spawner in the base game or in another country will not spawn said gem/metal.
I've also observed that the game treats gems collected from another neighborhood/sub-neighborhood
as different. I tried grouping together the rubies I collected in Bridgeport
with the ones I collected in Egypt and they won't combine in my inventory.
The gems and metals DO take more time to start spawning than the insect spawners
to activate, but I've never gotten the WA insect spawners to spawn the appropriate
the Late Night insect spawners do work fine in any world as well.
WA gem spawners DO spawn things in home worlds, but only Geodes, iirc.
Fix for this from TWALLAN: You can remove the world restriction using an EA tuning
mod: In the "InsectData" and "RockGemMetal" files, remove the <RequiredWorld> fields. See http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Tutorial:Sims_3_XML_Tuning_Modding
Recipes that work with ALL EPs and SPs
- If all gems placed on
the bench are of a single cut, you will receive a large gem of that cut.

To show the different sizes: on the left a Yellow Sapphire Large Sculptor's
Egg, on the other bench are 8 Jade Sculptor's Eggs.

TitaI Lights' family have a large collection of Large
Sculptor's Eggs, since Surga took up sculpting.
- 5 or 6 different GEMS but only 4 different
cuts used will give an uncut Soulpeace gem, worth more even uncut, but once
cut into a Heart-Cut, or a Star Cut, sell for up to §20K, sell for more
at the Consignment Store.

- 6 gem dust and two gems (any cut) ideally
all different, usually gives a Soulstone. As above, cut into
Heart or Star Cuts, they sell for up to 20K or more at Consignment. Also,
if you have the skill to make Sculptor's Egg Cut, the soulstones will immediately
cut into Large Sculptor's Eggs, they are each worth over $10,000 and look
like large eggs. A very profitable way to get rid of the dust.
- If the number of different CUT TYPES of gem
input is greater than or equal to 5, you will receive a large Skull Cut gem
which may or may not be the gem type of the majority used. To guarantee the
Skull Cut, use all the same type of gem in different cuts - best is to use
the more expensive cuts. NOTE: Skull cuts are decorative and
therefore not worth the value of the input gems.
BAD Recipes
- Fill a stand with 8 gem dusts, even all the
same kind, even Soulpeace dust, and you only get a large pile of the same
gem dust.
- Large Sculptor's Eggs are NOT a way to make
money. They are usually not worth the total value of the 8 small Sculptor's
Eggs they take to make. But they do look pretty!

Durga's collection of green and blue Large Sculptor's Eggs. On the left display
is glowy Tiberium, Jade, Luminorious and Emerald.
On the right display is glowy Moonstone, Blue Topaz, Tanzanite and Lapis Lazuli.
Each of thes apart from the Tiberium
is made by putting 8 Sculptor's Egg Cut gems of the same type on the large Carter's
It is now possible (since University Life) to create small size skull cut gems.
A Sim with high Science skill can Analyze and Clone with a Science Machine
the sample from a large cut skull and a small skull is created worth approx
50% of the large skull's value.
Introduced with Supernatural
- Bloodstone: This rock has been around for thousands of years and was once
used for ancient rituals. Now, it’s mainly used for the ritual of rock collecting.
It has many uses in ingredients and also makes a fine display piece. The bloodstone
is an uncommon gem that will spawn in any township, not just Moonlight Falls.
- Sunstone: Some say the sunstone is a moonstone left out in the sun for
too long. Others claim it is a piece of a solar flare from the sun. Although
the origins of the sunstone are often debated, there’s one thing everyone
can agree on: it’s a sharp looking rock. The sunstone is a rare gem that will
spawn in any town or city.
- Moonstone: This attractive rock won’t actually tell the phase the moon
nor does it contain the properties of a real moon that elicits howls from
werewolves. It’s just a simple rock that shares the name of the big mysterious
moon everyone has come to know and love. The moonstone is rare gem, too. It
will spawn in any township, but it has a much higher probability of spawning
during the full moon and new moon phases of the lunar cycle.
Rainbow Gem
My Sim found Rainbow Gem in China.
June 21, 2018